針對台灣商務人士英文書信表達及會議言談溝通量身打造,以密集式互動教學,帶領學員調整或修正職場書面及口頭的英文使用習慣。 報名學員可提前與講師分享各項工作經驗中非機密之各式文件,或當場提出工作上的實例,課堂上將『立即輔導』;欲修課者,建議可攜帶筆電或平板出席課程。 課程講師現於香港大學進修博士學位,香港為亞洲及世界首屈一指的商業金融重地,本課程帶入講師自身之教學經驗、研究專長以及香港當地使用英文之社會觀察。本工作坊有別於教科書式之講述,將帶給業界人士專業且新穎之英文課堂學習經驗。

This is an intensive, interactive one-day workshop designed for business professionals in Taiwan.
Morning Session (3 hrs.):
Business Written Communication: Grammar Improvement for Effective Business Correspondence
This session aims to
(a) pinpoint key aspects universal to different forms of business correspondence;
(b) explain underlying grammatical points confusing to many learners of English in Taiwan; and
(c) reinforce the use of appropriate tones of voice at workplace settings.
Afternoon Session (3 hrs.):
Business Spoken Communication: Essentials of Professional PowerPoint Presentations
This second session aims to lead the participants to
(a) revisit the issues of PowerPoint presentations such as visual graphics, language mechanics, and animation effects, etc.;
(b) highlight claims and make justifications through adequate verbal communication; and
(c) properly and productively respond to Q&A.