


        萃智(TRIZ)是俄文的縮寫,其意義為「發明性問題解決理論」Theory of Inventive Problem Solving)。是分析研究超過百萬件專利所提出的系統性創新理論及實務的解題手法。主要是系統性地利用前人及跨領域的智慧來解決問題。它是當今產品、製程及服務的創新,最有效、最重要的系統手法。三星(Samsung)、LG、英特爾、西門子、通用電器(GE)等均大力推展萃智,並獲得大量創新、專利及財務效益。三星因自1998年起,系統化且大量引入TRIZ, 現已擺脫昔日低價低品質產品形象轉為高品質高創新產品公司,年專利數躍升世界第二,每年因應用萃智所產生財務效益,數以千萬美金計。 GE 自2007年中起把TRIZ視為下一波競爭力的關鍵,由上而下宗教式的推廣TRIZ,不遜於當年推廣6標準差(6 Sigma)之精神。可見萃智創新手法確實可以系統性地解決問題,協助創新。

        本課程將國際大師輔導世界許多知名公司,不斷驗證成功的系統化創新手法,首次引入國內。是研發主管/工程師,行銷主管/業務及創新創業人員,欲求大幅超越競爭對手所不可或缺的關鍵秘訣。有別於一般萃智課程以解說萃智知識為目地,學習本課程將能運用於生活中,快速精準辨識成長至卓越的契機,並規劃執行之策略和路徑圖,以達到創新的實用目的,並輔以實例說明。為國內由MA TRIZ協會副會長親授辨識機會課程!! 全程英文上課,必要時以中文輔助說明。


• 授課時間:彈性循環開課 詳細開課資訊請上學會官網 http://www.sme-edu.org.tw/activity/activity.asp
• 授課地點:新竹:清華大學或新竹科學園區 附近- 現場上課(課前3天以e-mail通知上課地點)
• 課程大綱:


• 哪些產品需要何種創新(what product needs innovation and of what kind)
• 那些是市場上未被發現,新的潛在需求? (what might be new (hidden) feature of the product that the market needs)
• 創新專案最有效的路徑圖 (what is the most efficient roadmap for my innovation project)


(The course teaches the fundamental tenets of systematic open innovation and outlines the strategic tools that can be used for that. The covered topics include: )
• 產品創新組合分析(Innovation portfolio analysis)
• 突破性創新的原則(Disruptive Innovation Guidelines)
• 潛在”主要價值參數”之辨識(Latent MPV Identification)
• 創新標桿方法(Innovation Benchmarking)
•創新專案路徑圖(Innovation Project Road Mapping)


(On completing the course the attendees will be able to:)
• 執行公司產品創新組合分析(perform portfolio analysis of a company’s products)
• 決定何種特定產品需何種創新(make a decision what type of innovation a specific product needs)
• 廣佈創新專案之創新路徑,並辨識最適合創新工具(outline an innovation roadmap for an innovation project and identify the best tools to use)

參加者可從國際TRIZ協會(MA TRIZ)將得到已完成”創新產品機會辨識與開發策略”課程的証明,並與大師合影留念。

Dr./Professor Sergei Ikovenko

• President of International TRIZ Association (MATRIZ) (國際萃智協會 會長 & 理事);
• Adjunct Professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT 兼任教授); Honorary Professor of the University of Edinburgh, UK. (英國愛丁堡大學 榮譽教授)
• Director of Innovation Leadership at a consulting firm GEN3 Partners in Boston; (GEN3 教育訓練中心主任)
• EDUCATION: Dr. Ikovenko holds two doctorate degrees
(美國 工業工程 及 蘇聯 環境工程與科學 雙博士)
• Ph.D in Industrial Engineering
• Dr.-Eng. in Environmental Engineering and Sciences
• Master degree in Patent Law.

Dr. Sergei Ikovenko is one of leading consultants and project facilitators in innovation technology of design. He has conducted more than 600 courses on innovation and TRIZ (Theory for Inventive Problem Solving) topics for Fortune 500 companies worldwide. Dr. Ikovenko was the primary instructor to deliver corporate TRIZ training programs at Procter & Gamble, Mitsubishi Research Institute, Samsung, Intel and other companies. He is a primary Innovation instructor of Siemens Innovation Tool Academy and General Electric Global Research. Dr. Ikovenko has taught seminars at MIT, Harvard University, Carnegie-Melon University, California Institute of Technology, Stanford University, Vanderbilt University, University of London, Oxford University, and other leading educational institutions worldwide.

• Awarded 77 patents in various engineering fields.
• Special awards for development of innovation at Procter & Gamble and Unilever.
• Award from Samsung Electronics for integrating TRIZ into Samsung Six Sigma Black Belt training.
• Holds numerous silver and gold awards from international engineering shows and exhibitions for his inventions.
• Innovation Award from Oak Ridge National Lab of the Department of Energy, USA.
• PUBLICATIONS: Author of more than 97 publications, and an active member of ASME, ACS, and ASEE.


• TRIZ Master; Dr. Ikovenko has studied and taught TRIZ since 1986 and holds a certificate of TRIZ instructor from G. Altshuller, the founder of TRIZ.
• Certified Six Sigma Black belt, QFD Black Belt and Lean Master-Practitioner.
• A license of Professional Engineer from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
