<% Store_ID = 103 '//填寫資訊 if Request.Form("send")<>"" then email = RequestValue(Request.Form("email")) password = RequestValue(Request.Form("password")) username = RequestValue(Request.Form("username")) sex = RequestValue(Request.Form("sex")) myYear = RequestValue(Request.Form("myYear")) myMonth = RequestValue(Request.Form("myMonth")) myDay = RequestValue(Request.Form("myDay")) education = RequestValue(Request.Form("education")) phone = RequestValue(Request.Form("phone")) cellphone = RequestValue(Request.Form("cellphone")) fax = RequestValue(Request.Form("fax")) region = RequestValue(Request.Form("region")) address = RequestValue(Request.Form("address")) company = RequestValue(Request.Form("company")) degree = RequestValue(Request.Form("degree")) work_years = RequestValue(Request.Form("work_years")) payfor = RequestValue(Request.Form("payfor")) payfornum = RequestValue(Request.Form("payfornum")) paym1 = RequestValue(Request.Form("paym1")) pay_title = RequestValue(Request.Form("pay_title")) pay_num = RequestValue(Request.Form("pay_num")) mycoupon = RequestValue(Request.Form("mycoupon")) birthday = myYear&"/"&myMonth&"/"&myDay Age = myYear-1911 '//職務 SSQL = "SELECT * FROM Store_Items_Defined WHERE Info_type = 4 AND Info_ID = '"°ree&"' " set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rs.open SSQL,conn_store,1,1 JobDep = trim(rs("Info_Name")) rs.close set rs = nothing '//資料正常,先判斷是否已經是會員 Set rs_store = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") SSQL = " SELECT cid FROM store_customers WHERE EMail = '"&email&"' " rs_store.open SSQL,conn_store,1,1 if rs_store.eof then '//未存在,寫入會員資料 INS_SQL = " INSERT INTO Store_Customers (Store_ID, Registration_Date, Password, First_name, Sex, Birthday_M, Phone "&_ ", CellPhone, Address1, EMail, Region, Company, degree, Spam, SID, work_years) "&_ " VALUES ("&Store_ID&", '"&Now()&"', '"&password&"', '"&username&"', '"&sex&"', '"&birthday&"', '"&phone&"' "&_ ", '"&cellphone&"', '"&address&"', '"&email&"', '"®ion&"', '"&company&"', '"°ree&"', 1, 10002, '"&work_years&"' ) " 'response.write INS_SQL conn_store.Execute INS_SQL else '//存在更新會員資料 UPD_SQL = " UPDATE Store_Customers SET "&_ " Store_ID = '"&Store_ID&"', "&_ " Sys_Modified = '"&Now()&"', "&_ " Password = '"&password&"', "&_ " First_name = '"&username&"', "&_ " Sex = '"&sex&"', "&_ " Birthday_M = '"&birthday&"', "&_ " Phone = '"&phone&"', "&_ " CellPhone = '"&cellphone&"', "&_ " Address1 = '"&address&"', "&_ " Region = '"®ion&"', "&_ " Company = '"&company&"', "&_ " degree = '"°ree&"', "&_ " Spam = 1, "&_ " SID = 10002, "&_ " work_years = '"&work_years&"' "&_ " WHERE Email = '"&email&"' " 'response.write UPD_SQL conn_store.Execute UPD_SQL end if rs_store.close %>

資料處理中請稍候 ...

<% '//發信通知管理者 Tr_Email = "candy@asia-learning.com;sandy@asia-learning.com" Tr_name = "[會員獨享!報名用Excel輕鬆做好管理-人事與財務篇現省500!!]活動管理者" Email_Subject = "[會員獨享!報名用Excel輕鬆做好管理-人事與財務篇現省500!!]報名通知" Email_Body = "[會員獨享!報名用Excel輕鬆做好管理-人事與財務篇現省500!!]活動管理者您好:

" Email_Body = Email_Body & "這個訊息是發自亞太教育訓練網,告知有人報名[會員獨享!報名用Excel輕鬆做好管理-人事與財務篇現省500!!]

" Email_Body = Email_Body & "" Email_Body = Email_Body & "" Email_Body = Email_Body & "" Email_Body = Email_Body & "" Email_Body = Email_Body & "" Email_Body = Email_Body & "" Email_Body = Email_Body & "
填寫時間:" & Now() & "
姓名:" & username & "
手機:" & cellphone & "
E - mail:" & email & "
服務單位:" & company & "

" Email_Body = Email_Body & "統計報表:http://www.asia-learning.com/img/edm/cyb/reg_report.asp
" If Instr(Tr_Email,";")>0 then '//多個管理者 ALlBZMail = split(Tr_Email,";") For I=0 to Ubound(ALlBZMail) iEMail = ALlBZMail(i) Tr_name = Tr_name '//多筆通知 Call SendMail_TO(iEMail,Tr_name,Email_Subject,Email_Body) Next Else iEMail = Tr_Email '//發送通知 Call SendMail_TO(iEMail,Tr_name,Email_Subject,Email_Body) End if response.write "" end if function RequestValue(gString) RequestValue = trim(Replace(gString,"'","''")) end function %>